The Atchison County Historical Society is dedicated to preserving this historic structure. Our vision is for it to become a Kansas Landmark to tell the story of Free-Staters during the territorial days of our state and the personal efforts of Pardee Butler, farmer, pastor and abolitionist.
In January, 2024, Friends of Farmington Christian Church (FFCC), a group comprised of Atchison County citizens and former church members, began the process of saving what is considered to be one of the most historically significant buildings in the county.
Located in the small agricultural community of Farmington approximately 12 miles west of Atchison, the church, then known as The Church of Christ, was organized and started by pioneer minister and Kansas legend Pardee Butler on October 6, 1867. A fervent abolitionist, Pardee played an active role in securing the admission of Kansas to the Union as a free state just prior to the outbreak of the Civil War. He also helped organize the Republican party in Kansas.
Pardee passed away on September 19, 1888. Nine years later, the congregation was able to build the existing church structure. Standing proudly in its pastoral country setting for over one and a quarter century, the building serves not only as a distinct rural landmark, but as a tribute to the faith, courage and determination of the area’s early settlers. In collaboration with the Atchison County Historical Society (ACHS), the FFCC has launched efforts to extend the life and legacy of the church for many more years.
We began this quest by seeking advice from the historical society, which has been very helpful in sharing knowledge and providing valuable guidance. Meeting with other organizations which have accomplished successful restoration projects, exploring grant opportunities, and sifting through legal- and historical-related documents and records are among other tasks we have undertaken. Additionally, we have created this website as a way for anyone interested in this project to share our excitement. This is where you can monitor our progress and receive updates. For those not familiar with the Farmington Christian Church’s history, we hope the information provided here will help promote an understanding of why we feel this is a building worth preserving, not only for its contribution to free state history, but also for its early northeast Kansas Christian church history.
Persons visiting Atchison quickly become aware of the many beautiful historic buildings that exist throughout the city. This isn’t necessarily the case in regard to the county as a whole, wherein efforts to save and maintain uniquely significant sites and structures have not been so fortunate. Many small hamlets and buildings have deteriorated or been lost over time due to lack of interest and/or funds required to sustain them. This presents special challenges to our agricultural communities. Being more mindful and supportive of our pastoral communities and their projects can go a long way toward helping reverse this trend.
The pulpit is in the Northern part of the sanctuary
East end of the sanctuary is the location of the one piece of stained glass.
The entrance to the sanctuary is at the southeast corner of the church.
There are many areas of the siding that need to replaced before a painting can be done.
The main doorway needs to either be replaced or receive a severe restoration.
The frames and sashes need to be repaired, caulked and painted.
The ceiling and wall under the steeple are needing to be completely redone.
The plaster and lathe is needing to be taken down and replaced.
The north wall of the basement has shifted and pushed the stairway out of alignment.
The ACHS and FFCC enthusiastically looks forward to your support of our project as a step toward preserving important components of Atchison County’s rural history and culture. You are welcome to contact us directly if you have any questions, and we invite you to continue to visit this site for updates on our progress and related events. Your consideration is deeply appreciated.
Your support will help us achieve our mission by making sure that our rural Kansas History is passed on to future generations.
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